Why’s it always Tuesday?
The day before the Con,
When I’m packing my possessions,
And planning the nerd shirts to don…
That I suddenly realize,
Usually in the middle of the eve
That I don’t have a costume,
And I start to fret and grieve.
I have the hair for Hermione,
The sass of Lorelei,
The unhelpful wardrobe of Johnny Cash,
But which one should I try?
I have some rings like Frodo,
But not one to rule them all,
I’ve been Alice and Lara once already,
And Groot is much too tall.
Zoe can pull off skins of green AND blue,
But I’m just super pale,
Maybe I could wear a long brown coat,
And go as Captain Mal(e) (…. so close)
The Doctor has a lot of faces,
Arya Stark does as well
The directors seemed to forget that plot point,
But maybe why, the panel will tell.
There’s always next year,
I always seem to say,
I’ll go all out and plan ahead,
By more than just a day…
So say we all, I’m headed,
To a convention of sweaty nerds,
I guess I’ll have to stick to shirts,
And pretty ordered words.
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