Let’s face it. You’re kind of a big deal. You may not shout it from the mountain tops, but you know what’s up in your working world. People come to you for answers, and because you are reliable and a known commodity…Now we just have to teach you how to convey that to someone that doesn’t already know that about you, without sounding pompous like a member of the Channel 4 news team.
“Phonaphobe” or not, you’ve now passed the dreaded phone interview with flying colors, but to be fair to the other candidates, they couldn’t just hire you on the spot at the end of the call (even though they totally wanted to right?)
Project Introvert Interview is entering stage 2.
Let’s discuss the 5 Tricks to Acing the in Person Interview:
1. More Homework:
Now that you’ve secured a little more information about the position you are gunning for after the phone interview, and you have some back ground information on the company, it’s time to dive deeper into the job descriptions and find a way to map them directly to your skill-set.
In the meeting you’ll need to provide solid trace ability from your personal experience to the job requirements. Confidently outline how you exceed the minimum requirements with x, y, and z.
Ask the recruiter or scheduler for a list of names of the folks who you will be meeting with. They won’t always provide it, but if they do you can do some research on Linked in or online about their backgrounds, and try to weave some specific attention grabbing comments into your conversation.
If you can’t get a list of names, ask for the forum – is it a panel of folks all asking you questions at once? Is it a series of one on one interviews? Knowing the interview format up front can help mentally prepare you for the day and the duration of time you’ll be spending there.
3. Practice Confidence.
You know you are legit. You know what you are worth. Practice reciting these facts to yourself in the mirror so it doesn’t shock you when you sound like a total bad ass when it comes out in the interview.
This is challenging for me. I have a definite comfort zone and although after a while I am comfortable with all my co workers, it is challenging for me to jump in head first with a group I don’t know and convince them that I’m worth their time. With anything though, practice, practice, practice.
Lastly, dress to impress – I typically lay out my outfit the night before so I’m not struggling to pick something in the morning. Provide yourself enough time to get ready and look your best. This will impact how your carry yourself throughout the interview.
4. All the World’s a Stage
And there is a new player in town. Interview time is go time. At this stage you have to push past your comfort bubble. You know the position and it’s requirements, you have sufficient information on the company and you have an idea of either who you are meeting with or the format. Now it’s time to put on your best smile and award winning personality. Even if you are shy and timid – this is your time to promote your excellence and why this company should bring you on.
Highlight key accomplishments in past positions – For example if you are going for a job in Project Management, discuss a deliverable you completed on time and on schedule.
I typically inject some humor or sarcasm into the conversation to calm my nerves (otherwise my heart beats so loud I miss some of the interviewer’s questions.)
Wrap up the interview with a solid set of questions for them – this shows you have a genuine interest in the position and the company and the team will know it is worth their time to answer you. Remember that they are not only interviewing you, you are seeing if this is an ideal fit for you and somewhere you want to spend 40+ hours a week!
Be sure to gather contact information from the interviewers to enable you to accomplish step 5.
5. Reminding That You’re Baller
Presuming you didn’t get escorted from the building before the conclusion of your interview, you can feel relieved it went well! Now it’s in the company’s hands to determine if you are an ideal fit for the position they are hiring for.
Always send a thank you note or email to the individuals that you met with, and the recruiter, thanking them for their time. Try and refer to a specific topic you covered during your visit, so they remember exactly who you were and why they liked you.
Send these notes within 24 hours, unless the interview was on a Friday, or late Thursday, at which case I suggest sending it Monday morning so your email is at the top of their inbox and not buried in the depths.
After the in person interview is completed and the company decides to move forward the real fun begins! We, boys and girls, will get to discuss the calculations of opportunity cost and the terrifying art of negotiations.
These tools and tricks work for me, what works for you?!
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